President Ferruccio Resta at FBK for first BoD meeting and to meet staff
First BoD session and first meeting with all staff today at the Povo site for Fondazione Bruno Kessler President Ferruccio Resta, who succeeds Francesco Profumo.
We will work,”Resta said, “on consolidating our position in Europe and we will ensure the execution of the PNNR projects in which we are partners. We will enhance research expertise in a public-private alliance that include industries as well. For my part, I accepted this appointment because of FBK’s quality production and the potential I believe I can bring to the table thanks to my background as an industrial researcher who has worked in research, applications and business.”
Today’s meeting of the Board of Directors was included the Councillor for Economic Development, Research and Labor of the Autonomous Province of Trento, Achille Spinelli: “Today marks the inauguration of Prof. Resta’s path as President of FBK, a professional with wide recognition at the national and international level: we are confident that he will be able to consolidate the leadership of a prestigious and vocated institution as FBK is. Thanks to his involvement in the national planning of the PNRR and his academic background, as well as his strong connection to the business world, he will enable the Foundation and the Trentino system to cover at all levels along with traditional topics, also the areas of growing relevance such as mechanics, microsystems and quantum technology that will be at the center of the future development of the Foundation and also of the technology transfer hubs in our local area.”
During the proceedings, Foundation Vice President Gian Nicola Berti and Secretary General Andrea Simoni‘s were renewed in their respective roles.
In the afternoon, the President met in the Stringa Room with FBK researchers and support and administrative staff. “Today’s great social challenges such as those in the areas of climate emergencies, health, and the fragility of territories,” Resta stressed, “require a holistic approach between scientific research and the humanities. These are precisely the distinctive traits of Fondazione Bruno Kessler, which blends both these areas of knowledge.”
Ferruccio Resta. President of Fondazione Bruno Kessler and President of Centro Nazionale per la Mobilità Sostenibile MOST, the National Center for Sustainable Mobility. In 2019, he was awarded the recognition of Commendatore of the Italian Republic by Italian President Sergio Mattarella.
Born in 1968, Resta graduated in 1992 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Milan Polytechnic. His academic career led him to become Full Professor of Applied Mechanics of Machines in 2004. In 2007 he was appointed Director of the Department of Mechanics and then, in 2011, Delegate for Technology Transfer, a strategic role in the relationship with companies. In 2017 he became Chancellor of the Milan Polytechnic, the first technical university in Italy and among the top twenty in Europe in the three fields of study and research: architecture, design and engineering. He has been president of the Conference of Chancellors.
Resta boasts more than 300 publications and holds 7 international patents. In the Italian industrial community and social fabric, Ferruccio Resta holds various positions. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Allianz SpA, the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo, Sole 24 Ore and Fiera Milano. He also holds the position of Expert Member in the Technical Structure at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation.