October 1, 2024Preventing stress in women with breast cancer: virtual coach ALBA is hereFondazione Bruno Kessler, in collaboration with the Trento Province Healthcare System, is coordinating the ALBA research project to investigate the contribution of “digital therapies” in promoting mental well-being and preventing stress in women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.
February 26, 2020Digital technologies and art to develop new ways of learningHow to help children and teens to develop digital skills through games and art strategies?
May 24, 2018Families_share at the 2018 Festival of EconomicsSANTA MARIA MAGGIORE square in Trento to be TRANSFORED for three days IN "A SQUARE THAT GROWS...TOWARDS THE TECHNOLOGY THAT FOSTERS BALANCE"
May 22, 2017The transformation of jobs with digital technology: risks and opportunitiesLectio magistralis by the President of Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Francesco Profumo, for the students of the professional training center Centro formazione professionale Giuseppe Veronesi of Rovereto
April 8, 2017Cyber School: how to tackle the digital revolution togetherHow will the new digital school be? How revolutionary and disruptive will this historic transition be for the school system? Are professors, teachers, and families and students alike - digital natives, reality or myth that we tell ourselves? - prepared to deal with the new challenges of a revolution that not only affects the tools, but requires a new cultural, pedagogical, social perspective?