#modelli 3d
February 27, 2023FBK 3DOM Unit participates in the European project 5DCULTUREHigh-quality 3D digital content will be created for use in the cultural, tourism, and fashion sectors
February 23, 2021Digital technologies for the enhancement and reuse of historical and cultural heritageThe possibility of visualizing and requalifying sites through three-dimensional technologies favors the rediscovery of the air-raid shelter in Piazza Venezia in Trento, the scene of a piece of city history of the Second World War
May 20, 2020OnePlace: the new online platform to improve energy efficiency of our citiesThe restoration of existing buildings and the improvement of energy management are among the targets required by the European Union. These goals led FBK to coordinate the BOOSTEE-CE project in collaboration with 13 other partners from 7 European countries
October 9, 20183D Reconstruction: the Algorithm of 3D Optical Metrology (3DOM) Unit AwardedThe Best Paper Award went to the work co-authored by Fabio Remondino (FBK-3DOM) presented at the ECCV 2018's International Workshop on Recovering 6D Object Pose in Munich
February 22, 2018FBK’s mission Russia: agreement signed with Moscow-based SkoltechInnovative solutions for 3D city modeling and energy are the first areas on which the Trentino based research center and the Russian university will collaborate