#Digital Cities
November 29, 2019FBK research at EIT Digital Italy’s Innovation Day 2019The Innovation Village featured also digital products and services developed by Fondazione Bruno Kessler for industry, cities, wellbeing and finance
November 16, 2019CLIMB vince il Premio Mobilità 2019Il progetto della Fondazione Bruno Kessler che incentiva la mobilità autonoma e sostenibile dei bambini si è classificato al primo posto nella categoria "sensibilizzazione, formazione e informazione"
September 5, 2019Identity and performance in the web societyYoung people, adolescents, digital natives, millennials seem to prefer the connection to the relationship, protecting themselves from the risks that derive from it
November 7, 2018The Data and Life of Great Future CitiesThe Roca London Gallery is hosting an exhibition, based on Marco De Nadai and MOBS @ FBK research activities. It proposes that, used responsibly, personal data could be the key to better urban design
March 26, 2018CrowdInsights – how, when and where people move within a cityFBK participates with the I3 Research Unit to help the consortium investigating how people manage urban data in order to design effective and efficient tools