November 15, 2023The interdisciplinarity of environmental historyWe open the FBK Dictionary column with this article on environmental history, an innovative line of research that is very active at FBK-ISIG.
March 8, 2023Ready for a new challenge? Applications for Webvalley 2023 are openWebValley, Trento-based Fondazione Bruno Kessler's international summer school, organized in collaboration with Istituto Artigianelli opens to a new challenge by involving about 20 girls and boys between 17 and 19 years old in a data science project dedicated to air quality monitoring.
June 18, 2020Study Week FBK – ISIG (Italian-German Historical Institute) 2020The health emergency forces us to postpone the awaited event entitled "Environment and infrastructures from the early modern period to the present: challenges, knowledge and innovation" to next year.
April 18, 2018FBK joins AIR in quest for better air qualityAIR (Allow Independent Road-testing), the independent alliance set up to improve air quality by promoting independent, on-road vehicle emissions testing, has welcomed the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) as its founding member