The journal “Annali.Recensioni.Online” (ARO) goes electronic
The purpose is promoting a wider circulation of historical research and historiographical innovations
The journal “Annali. Recensioni. Online“(ARO) was created in 2018 to encourage the wider dissemination of historical research and to expand the audience of the most recent historiography so as to include the lay public as well. In fact, the new journal, updating and strengthening it, builds on the experience of the successful section of bibliographic references Recensioni/Beschprechungen of the print Journal Annali/Jahrbuch of the Italian-German Historical Institute published by the Italian-German Historical Institute with Il Mulino Publisher since 1975.In this already well-marked trail, ARO responds to needs and trends that have recently emerged and established themselves among a wide audience and, in general, in the international scientific publishing market.
The project of letting the reviews hosted in the Annals evolve into a digital journal must therefore be traced back to this desire to promote the widest circulation of ideas. The digital journal model is especially effective in the field of bibliographic reviews as it allows publishing in a very short time, thus favoring a rapid dissemination of new scientific works.
The adoption of the digital tool has therefore made it possible to expand the variety of perspectives, without giving up on the quality of content, offering a trans-epochal and interdisciplinary look at the recent trends in historiography ranging from social, political, economic, gender history, up to to environmental history, which allows ARO to reach its audience in a fuller and more open exchange.
The electronic journal focuses on the most recent works concerning European history, with particular attention to the Italian and German-speaking areas. Each issue opens with a Forum dedicated to a topic of particular relevance for the most recent historiographical debate or, alternatively, to studies that are critical for the issues dealt with by the research center of affiliation. The journal is out every three months and publishes around 75 reviews each year in four languages (Italian, German, English and French).
Single reviews, as well as the various issues, can be downloaded for free in pdf format. The ARO digital platform hosts, in the “Archive” section, the reviews already published in the print version of the “Annali/Jahrbuch“ from 2011 to 2017.
The ARO management has recently been renewed with the appointment of Marco Meriggi and Katia Occhi who now work alongside Christoph Cornelissen. It avails itself of the scientific advice of its Editorial Committee made up of external members and the Editorial Committee, made up of researchers from the center. Other collaborators include about 170 authors, coming from Italy, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, France, Belgium, Great Britain, Switzerland, Sweden, Argentina, United States, Canada. The publication of the periodical is made possible thanks to the availability of about 120 Italian and foreign publishers.
With its over four hundred reviews available online, ARO allows its readers to keep up-to-date on the new trends in international scientific publishing, as shown also in the latest issue, whose FORUM is dedicated to an original study by Charlotte de Castelnau –L’Estoile, Un catholicisme colonial. Le mariage des Indiens et des esclaves au Brésil, XVIe-XVIII e siècle, Paris 2019 dedicated to colonial society and the relationship between Catholicism and slavery. The issue also offers an extensive review of the latest updates in historiography, ranging from the history of hospitals to the history of climate, the history of prostitution, the war in Abyssinia and the circulation of book catalogs, the history of science and much more.
To read the journal