Katia Occhi
Katia Occhi si è laureata in storia all’università di Ca’ Foscari (Venezia) e ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in storia della società europea all’università Statale di Milano. E’ ricercatrice presso l’Istituto storico italo-germanico della Fondazione Bruno Kessler. Si occupa di storia economica e sociale dell’età moderna e di storia degli archivi. Ha pubblicato, tra l’altro, “Boschi e mercanti. Traffici di legname tra la contea di Tirolo e la repubblica di Venezia (secoli XVI-XVII)” (2006); “Ceti tirolesi e territorio trentino. Materiali dagli archivi di Innsbruck e Trento (1413-1790)” (2006); “Interessi e regole: operatori e istituzioni nel commercio transalpino in età moderna (secoli XVI-XIX)” (2012); “Per una storia degli archivi di Trento, Bressanone e Innsbruck. Ricerche e fonti (secoli XIV-XIX)” (2015).
Author's articles
October 9, 2023The FORUM devoted to the environmental history of fascism.An invitation to reflect on natural disasters and the role of monuments in the construction of memory.
March 20, 2023Archives and research: the conclusion of the Grenzakten 2.0 projectArchival study and the evolving concept of borders at the heart of the Grenzakten 2.0 project, thanks to which the large documentary collection on the borders of modern Europe preserved in the two State Archives of Innsbruck and Trento is now accessible.
June 8, 2022GRENZAKTEN 2.0: an investigation into the deeds relating to the borders kept in Trento and InnsbruckISIG historian Katia Occhi recounts the articulated project dedicated to documents on borders created between 1400 and 1800
May 31, 2022Writing history, writing storiesThe "Aro" Forum dedicated to "Veronica and the Devil" is an opportunity to reflect on the writing of history
February 10, 2022The journal “Annali.Recensioni.Online” (ARO) goes electronicThe purpose is promoting a wider circulation of historical research and historiographical innovations
June 18, 2020Study Week FBK – ISIG (Italian-German Historical Institute) 2020The health emergency forces us to postpone the awaited event entitled "Environment and infrastructures from the early modern period to the present: challenges, knowledge and innovation" to next year.
May 28, 2019Stories of EuropeA discussion from different perspectives starting from the critical reading of the books "L'Europa che fu" by Pietro Rossi, "European Modernity" by Bo Stråth and Peter Wagner, and finally, "Projekt Europa" by Kiran Klaus Patel entrusted to Edward Tortarolo, Christoph Cornelißen and Gabriele D'Ottavio
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