September 29, 2024What the weather is going to be like: artificial intelligence for weather forecastingFBK's Elena Tomasi tells Wired Next Fest about the science behind climate studies
July 29, 2024Artificial intelligence for weather forecasting and climate studiesAt FBK an autumn school whose target audience are university students, researchers and professionals.
June 27, 2023QUANTUM DAY @ FBKA day of discussion involving the national research and innovation ecosystem on quantum technologies was held at FBK on May 23, 2023. A whole new level for supercomputing, communication networks, and the competitiveness of the production system, particularly for SMEs that represent the vast majority of the Italian industrial structure
January 23, 2023FBK for the National Recovery and Resilience PlanThe section that monitors and provides information on FBK projects for the PNRR is available on www.fbk.eu
July 19, 2022Also FBK and UNITRENTO in the project of the supercomputing centerThe new National Research Center in High Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing, led by INFN has the participation of Fondazione Bruno Kessler and UniTrento among its 51 founding members spread across the country.