Training health professionals in the use of digital technologies
FBK and TrentinoSalute4.0 are the coordinators of the EU project dedicated to strengthening the skills of the digital era
The “Training Blueprint for Digital Transformation in Health and Care” (TBDTHC) European project, an initiative aimed at training health professionals in the use of digital technologies, has kicked off on November 30.
The study, funded under the Erasmus + program and which will last 34 months (from October 2018 to July 2021), involves Fondazione Bruno Kessler as the coordinator, the Department of Health and Social Solidarity of the Autonomous Province of Trento (PAT), the University of Nottingham, the Fachhof Kufstein University of Applied Sciences (Austria), the Biosaxony Medical Technology and Biotechnology Center (Germany), CoGeS (Don Milani Cooperative of Venice) and Stichting Smart Homes, a consulting agency based in the Netherlands.
In order to take full advantage of the benefits deriving from the digital era, implementing a profound understanding of the skills necessary to professionals as well as adequate training to strengthen them are urgently needed. The project, for which the European Union has allocated €424.957 (of which € 85.804 to FBK and € 26.960 to PAT), provides that the consortium should identify, at an early stage, the “ideal profile” and key competences, and subsequently elaborate a learning methodology through workshops and pilot actions in partner countries (June 2020 -May 2021), open to all local individuals and organizations actively involved.
The first results of the project and the pilot actions will be presented in February 2020, during the “Multipliers Events“, as the EU calls them, i.e. events that each partner will have to organize with the aim of involving local stakeholders.
The consortium has the task of drafting guidelines for building and developing skills, a culture open to new technologies for health professionals, not only in the digital environment, but also in leadership and change management skills. Three sections will be addressed, as follows:
- Health systems (to introduce the learning methodology developed by the TBDTHC project and promote its inclusion in the organization and structure of health institutions);
- Instructors (for the integration of the methodology in specific training courses, with the involvement of health institutions and technology-producing organizations);
- Permanent Observatory on Digital Health Skills, to strengthen the ability of stakeholders to invest in digital solutions and appropriate training.
Further information:
- Strategic Innovation Partnerships projects (KA202 ) . 2018 – EAC / A05 / 2017 – Erasmus + Program – Vocational Education and Training Area (VET) proposals