Artificial intelligence in the treatment of chronic conditions
The conference organized by the International Health Mattone Program - ProMIS and hosted at the Palazzo della Provincia di Trento in Piazza Dante opened in Trento
The event will be an opportunity for discussion on the use of artificial intelligence in the management of chronic diseases through the presentation of European and national strategies and policies.
The initiative is the result of a study carried out by the ProMIS subgroup , which is engaged in “encouraging autonomy in patient care and aiming for assistance as close as possible to the patient’s home while ensuring safety and cost-effectiveness” and composed of 5 Regions/Public Administrations (Piemonte, Umbria, Basilicata, Puglia and the Autonomous Province of Trento), as leader of the initiative.
“Multimorbidity complicates care management of chronic patients, especially in drug delivery. How can artificial intelligence, ICT, electronic systems, remote assistance, teleconsultation, etc. help in the treatment of chronic diseases? The capabilities of the services are now a given and it is essential to use technology to improve the process. We have tried to coordinate all the players in the care process, including Fondazione Bruno Kessler, the Autonomous Province of Trento and the Provincial Healthcare System within the TreC system (the Citizen Health Records) with the aim of exporting it outside Trentino and become part of a national system that can put them into practice”. With these words Silvio Fedrigotti, head of the Department of health and social solidarity of the Province government, opened the first session and introduced the talk by the coordinator of ProMIS, Antonio Maritati who stressed how “completing the digitization of health is fundamental as a tool to improve quality, promote safety and expand access to care “.
“Today’s conference is important” – said PaT councilor for health and social policies Luca Zeni – “because the topic that is touched is really strategic. Politics struggles to cope with this as it is facing new changes and issues for which offering new services or more beds is not enough, but new technologies that can respond to emerging needs have to be adopted and implemented in the system, together with experts, institutions and all health professionals, everything that can increase awareness among citizens”.
The afternoon saw talks focusing on European and national policies and strategies (in a videoconference from Brussels, Anne Auffret, EU Commissioner of DG Connect – eHealth Unit, Wellbeing and Aging) and on good practices and experiences of European projects with Roberto Zuffada, project manager of “Funka”, and Lidia di Minco of the Ministry of Health.
Tomorrow, Tuesday June 19, from 9.00 am, the program will alternate talks that will try to illustrate what the main issues to be addressed are in the treatment of chronic diseases closely linked to the adoption of artificial intelligence in health (limits and obstacles, technological platforms for digital healthcare, patient empowerment, the role of AI in the relationship with patients, privacy, big data, data security, etc.).
Participation in the event is free of charge.
For information, contact the ProMIS staff at the following addresses: Email: [email protected] Telephones: +39.345 6598389/+39.335 6504832
VIDEO INTERVIEWS (on YouTube channel TS4.0)
PAT Press Office images by Marzia Lucianer (TS4.0 Press Office)