For a Human-Centered AI

Knowledge and Innovation: Energy for Development

September 22, 2017

Sandro Battisti was the KEYNOTE SPEAKER of the international congress CIKI 2017 held in Foz do Iguaçu at the Itaipu Technology Park in Brazil on September 11.

“Global challenges should be considered as a business opportunity”

This statement summarizes the meaning of Sandro Battisti‘s talk, called to open the works of CIKI 2017 with a report on the challenges of social innovation.

“Uber and airbnb are examples of companies that have been able to transform social issues in business opportunities. The ideas are new, but the social innovation concept is old. The failures of government agencies, businesses and even of families have permitted companies to work on solutions to global challenges. Some times social innovation is taken for wellness. By promoting system changes in response to global challenges – such as hunger, poverty and water scarcity – companies can attract more strategic players, in particular those relating to sustainability, and have a social and economic impact. The challenge is to measure and show these results. It is much easier to linger in discussion, design, creation, policy and strategy; but creating impact and measuring it can make a great difference “

The CiKi Congress aims to promote methodological development and stimulate knowledge management, intellectual capital and innovation practices. This is an initiative of the Bachelor Degree in Engineering and Knowledge Management of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), with the support of national and international institutions.

The event brought together representatives of public, private, academic and third sector institutions in discussions, conferences, exchanges of experiences, presentations of new trends and a comparison of conceptual models with particular reference to the scenario of Latin America.


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