Festival della Sostenibilità. Festival of Sustainibility. Towards a more equitable and environmentally friendly society
Next Thursday, May 25, 2017, at the Trento Science Museum, two debates, at 4 pm and 8 pm dedicated to spreading the culture of sustainable development.
From May 22 to June 7, 2017, Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo sostenibile (ASVIS), the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development – an association that currently brings together more than 160 of the main Italian organizations of civil society – organizes the first “Sustainable Development Festival”, an event in support of cultural awareness-raising and policy-making acroos the Country.
Fondazione Bruno Kessler has recently joined the alliance, and so has MUSE – Trento Museum of Science, which is completing the accreditation phase these days. In the frame of the Festival, FBK and MUSE have thus planned in Trento the event “Towards a more equitable and environmentally friendly society” that will offer two open debates to raise awareness in the community around key issues such as equity, biodiversity, inequality, innovation, education and environmental protection.
The first meeting, addressed to the public, but specifically to teachers and students, will open Thursday, May 25 at 4:00 pm at the MUSE conference room with the greetings by the Director, Michele Lanzinger and FBK’s Secretary-General, Andrea Simoni.
Gianfranco Bologna, Scientific Director and Senior Advisor WWF ITALIA, Will hold a report titled “Is sustainability istill possible? Let’s make Agenda 2030 concrete”. After that, Massimo Bernardi (MUSE) Annapaola Rizzoli (Edmund Mach Foundation), Paolo Pinotti (FBK-IRVAPP and Unibocconi) and, in closing, Antonio Schizzerotto (Director of FBK-IRVAPP and UNITN) will talk about “How can we reduce the current inequalities in access to university education?”.
The second meeting, held at MUSE as well (at 8:00 pm on May 25th), will involve the public in a debate with representatives of the institutions – FBK, MUSE, UniTn, PAT, Municipality of Trento – and two speakers: Gianfranco Bologna (Scientific Director of WWF Italia), who will hold the talk “Sustainable Future: Learning to move in SOS, the safe and operational space for humanity” and Enrico Giovannini (ASVIS spokeswoman) who will discuss “Bringing Italy on the Path of Sustainable Development: Utopia or Duty?”.
FBK, through its ICT (Center for information and communication technology) and CMM (Center for materials and Microsystems) Centers, and its Research Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies (IRVAPP), has implemented for a long time now projects and initiatives in support of sustainable development.
The working groups within the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development in which FBK participates are as follows:
· Health (ensure health and well-being conditions for everyone at all ages) with its E-Health Research Unit
· Education (offer quality education, inclusive and equal, and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all) with IRVAPP.
· Energy (ensure access to clean, affordable and sustainable energy for all) with CMM‘s ARES (Applied Research on Energy System) Research Unit.
MUSE – the Trento Museum of Science is the organization that can interpret nature – starting from the mountain landscape – with the eyes, the tools and the questions of research, meeting today’s challenges, to add value to science, innovation and sustainability. Through its collections, permanent galleries, temporary exhibitions, educational activities and scientific dissemination, MUSE aims to promote public participation in the debate on topical issues, an informal and interactive space to stimulate reflection and the dissemination of good practices in the field of sustainability and international cooperation. (ml/cv)
More information on the Alliance
The Alliance’s mission is to raise awareness on the importance of the Global Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Italian society, in the economic and institutional sectors, by networking those who already deal with specific issues covered by the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs). The aim is to foster the development of a culture of sustainability at all levels, orienting production and consumption patterns, analyzing the implications and opportunities for Italy linked to the Agenda for Sustainable Development – Agenda 2030 (from fight against poverty to those against climate change and all forms of inequality, from commitment to innovation, employment and quality education to environmental protection), contribute to the definition of an Italian strategy for the achievement of SDGs (also using analytical and predictive tools to help define sustainable development policies) and the implementation of a system of monitoring progress in Italy towards SDGs.
Towards a more equitable and environmentally-friendly society
May 25 2017, 4 pm and 8 pm
MUSE – Museo delle Scienze
Conference Hall
Free admission
As part of the 2017 Sustainable Development Festival, ASVIS, in collaboration with MUSE and FBK, offers a day dedicated to the spread of a culture of sustainable development: an open debate to raise awareness in the community around key issues such as equity, biodiversity, inequality, innovation, education And protection of the environment.
4.00 pm – 6.30 pm
4.00 pm – 4.10 pm. Opening greetings – Michele Lanzinger (MUSE) and Andrea Simoni (FBK)
4.10 pm – 4.30 pm. Is sustainibility still possible? Let’s make the Agenda 2030 tangible
Gianfranco Bologna (WWF)
4.30 pm – 4.50 pm. Planet. The sixth mass extinction and us. A brief history of biodiversity in the era of humans
Massimo Bernardi (Paleontology Manager MUSE)
4.50 pm – 5.10 pm. Biodiversity & Health. Conservation, biodiversity and emerging diseases: scientific evidence and political implications
Annapaola Rizzoli (Director, Head of FEM Applied ecology)
5.10 pm – 5.30 pm. Screening of the video SDG UN and discussion with the audience
5.30 pm – 5.50 pm. People & Society. Immigration and social integration, and personal safety policies
Paolo Pinotti (FBK-IRVAPP and Unibocconi)
5.50 pm – 6.10 pm. People & Society. Can the current inequalities in access to college education be reduced?
Antonio Schizzerotto (FBK-IRVAPP and Unitn)
6.10 pm – 6.30 pm. Discussion with the public
8.00 pm – 9.30 pm
8.00 pm – 8.30 pm: Institutional greetings (PAT President Ugo Rossi, Trento Mayor Alessandro Andreatta, University of Trento Chancellor Paolo Collini, FBK Secretary-General Andrea Simoni, MUSE President Marco Andreatta)
8.30 pm – 9.00 pm: Sustainable future: learning how to move around in SOS, the safe operating space for humanity
Gianfranco Bologna (WWF Italia Scientific Director)
9.00 pm – 9.30 pm: Bringing Italy on the path to sustainable development: utopia or duty?
Enrico Giovannini (Roma Tor Vergata University and ASviS
Press Office
Fondazione Bruno Kessler |
via Sommarive 18 – 38123 Trento (I)
Press Office
MUSE – Museo delle Scienze
Corso del Lavoro e della Scienza, 3
I – 38122 TRENTO (Italy)