December 18, 2023Innovation refraction that come from afarFrom October 26 to December 8, 2023, the 00A Gallery in Trento hosted an unusual photography exhibit, the result of the determination of artist/inventor Andrea Salvà who beats an innovation path interrupted for decades
November 10, 202330 years of ECT*A public event with scientist Laura Fabbietti dedicated to the European Center for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics was held at FBK
September 21, 2021Ghost footprints on the light to keep an eye on health and the environmentHigh-precision, low-cost systems for air quality and medical diagnostics are being built at the Q@TN laboratory. The Trento based quantum physics center is an organization of reference in Europe for the design and manufacture of cutting-edge prototypes. By developing integrated photonic chips, the road to the breakthrough allowed by the use of ghost imaging and undetected photon spectroscopy techniques is being paved thus moving from theory to practice, from the laboratory to everyday life.
February 14, 2019The sociology of gravitational wavesAt what speed do the "social ripples" produced by a great scientific discovery move? A book describes the exemplary case of gravitational waves
August 17, 2018A Virtual Journey Inside Einstein’s UniverseAstrophysicist Luciano Rezzolla will talk about neutron stars, black holes and gravitational waves. The event has been organized to mark the 25th anniversary of ECT*
October 16, 2017A “new” Quantum Mechanics?A team that involves FBK researchers has tested in an experiment a modified version of the theory, with promising results. The research paper received a special mention from "Physical Review Letters", the journal that published it
March 3, 2017Il presidente CNR Massimo Inguscio alla Fondazione Kessler di TrentoLo scorso mercoledì 8 febbraio 2017 Massimo Inguscio, presidente del CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, in visita alla FBK accompagnato dall'assessore PAT Sara Ferrari e dalla dirigente del Dipartimento della conoscenza Livia Ferrario.