May 8, 2019Kids go green! Together for the worldA project in collaboration with FBK on the importance of getting to school in a sustainable way
December 5, 2018FBK and School Activities – A New Integrated Teaching AapproachThe event with the participation of the students to be held on Thursday, December 6 at the Santa Chiara Auditorium in Trento
October 18, 2018Esploratori della Fotonica | Photonics ExplorersThe project designed to bring students closer to the scientific world of light has been completed
June 9, 2017Team play for a winning productToday, in Trento, the presentation of the results of the DomoSens project coordinated by Fondazione Bruno Kessler. 250 high school students in Trentino were involved who have designed a home gas detector thanks to the latest findings in scientific and technological research in the industry