Festival of Economics: here are the videos with the interviews of our talks
June 5, 2017
Paolo Traverso (ICT Center Director) and Stefano Merler, DPCS Research Unit Head, participated in the twelfth edition of the Festival that wrapped up yesterday, Sunday June 4.
Follow these links to watch their talks:
- > Friday, June 2, Stefano Merler, mathematical epidemiologist and Head of the FBK DPCS Research Unit in the debate entitled “(Not all) vaccines are sexy. Inequalities between the global North and the global South“, organized by Medici con l’Africa Cuamm and FBK:
- INTERVIEW FOR RADIO “TRENTINO IN BLU” (download the interview PIAZZA 2017 – Merler epidemiologo.MP3) broadcast on 6/2/2017 at 5.15 pm
- > Friday, June 2, Paolo Traverso, FBK ICT Center director, was among the speakers of the panel entitled “Healthcare and new technologies”: watch the VIDEO (from minute 57′:20″)
- > download the interview on “Healthcare and new technologies” broadcast on Radio Trentino in Blu (6/2/2017 at 10.30 am): Paolo Traverso_FBK.MP3
Festival program: http://2017.festivaleconomia.eu/home