The FBK JUNIOR Program students protagonists at Researchers’ Night 2017
The FBK Junior students' project entitled "ORION - arduinO Raspberry pi rOtating table for image based 3D recostructioN" was presented in Trento on September 29
In the video, please find the interviews with two of the three students from Trentino (Marco Keppel and Alessandro Taufer – ITT “M. Buonarroti” of Trento) who developed a platform that, through photogrammetry and a 3D printer, allows 3D in-scale reconstruction of objects. “A low-cost, but extremely effective project” – Alessandro said – “which allowed us to improve our programming skills and learn new things”.
The students worked under the supervision of the researchers of the “3DOM” Research Unit of the FBK ICT Center.
More information on the 3DOM Research Unit ( More information on “FBK JUNIOR” (
ORION – arduinO Raspberry pi rOtating table for image based 3D recostructioN
Developer Contributors:
Daniele Morabito
Matteo Perini
Marco Keppel
Alessandro Taufer
Nicolò Pedrotti
Other Contributors:
Fabio Menna
Erica Nocerino
Fabio Remondino
Interviews by Marzia Lucianer (FBK) during
The Researchers’ Night
29 settembre 2017