Trento hosting over 60 translators for the update school organized by FBK
A training opportunity on the development of machine translation technologies that have become essential tools for the translator profession today.
From Friday, September 9 to Saturday, September 10, the FBK Povo Hub, on via Sommarive 18, will host the first School of Advanced Technologies for Translators, Scuola di Tecnologie Avanzate per traduttori (SATT 2016), organized by the HLT-Machine translation research unit of the Center for Communication and Information Technology (FBK-ICT).
The event, which will involve international speakers, has drawn more than 60 participants, including professional translators from various European Countries, and translation and interpreting schools students.
On the first day, Friday, September 9, participants will have the opportunity to attend presentations, discussions and practical demonstrations held by researchers working at FBK, one of the leading research centers in the field of language technology, and by other experts from academia and business. Applications in the area of translation technologies in industry will be outlined and discussed by firms such as TAUS, the world think-tank in the translation industry, Translated and Welocalize, the major translation agencies in Italy and the world respectively, and Ebay, the well-known e-commerce platform.
Saturday, September 10, participants will be able to attend the course and obtain certification on MateCat, an aid platform designed for translation within a European project coordinated by FBK that is used today by more than 15,000 translators worldwide (
“Given the rapid developments in translation assistance technology, today it becomes increasingly important for translators to get acquainted with them and be able to make the best use of them” – says Marcello Federico, Head of the HLT-MT research unit. “Our school aims to bridging the current gap between the skills of translators and the new demands from the industry. “Luisa Bentivogli – FBK researcher and co-organizer of the SATT school emphasizes the contribution of the sponsors, which have provided funding for 20 scholarships that will allow university students from all over Italy to attend the school.

Marcello Federico e Luisa Bentivogli