Gender equality: achievements and perspectives
In any crime against women it is always to be found the gender stereotype according to which women must stay one step behind anywhere: at home, at work, in society. It is high time is for a turning point.
In 2006 the first set of data published by ISTAT on gender violence in Italy was a real shock for the country. Millions of women had suffered physical or sexual violence. No-one, in the third millenium, could ever have imagined it.
That investigation was also a point of no return for the Italian law. Before then the law was co-responsable for a cultural and educative model which instead of fighting against gender crimes, covered them or minimalised them.
A new collective consciousness of the phenomenon and the example of International and European rights, in short time, led to the Italian legislation making significant breakthroughs in the prevention and repression of violence against women.
In 2009 stalking became an offence. The “law of feminicide” of 2013 interrupts the course of events which normally leads to the murder of a woman and it has tightened up the punishment for the crimes in which the predestined victims are women.
In 2019 the “Code Red” entered into force and envisages this violence as a priority and sets out the procedure of urgency for crimes such as domestic violence, stalking, family abuse and maltreatment; punishes revenge porn, those who deforms or scars irreversibly another’s aspect, forced marriage or induction to marriage.
In every crime against a woman, one always finds a trace of gender stereotyping which assigns to the woman the same position where-ever she is: in the family, a step behind the husband; in the work-place, a step behind the male colleagues; in society, a step behind everywhere.
That is why, in the face of the phenomenon of gender violence, a cultural turning-point has often been invoked. That is why the title chosen for the inaugural speech of the accademic XXI year of the University of Foggia is «A step forward».
Albeit late, even the juridical breakthroughs have become an integral part of that turning-point. Certainly the juridical evolution has contributed to ensure that today it is also possible for women to take “a step forward”. But the juridical evolution alone will be not enough to complete the turning-point.
It could be said that that turning-point will only be completed when a woman will be able to take a step forward without facing difficulties or suffering prejudices. That is only when, without complexes and prejudices, a man will know to appreciate and to love a woman who takes ‘a step forward’ because she is more talented or simply because she is free to choose her place in the world.
This is the last article of the 4-step insights of the violence against women phenomenon.
The previous articles are available here:
- “What is violence against women”;
- “Gender violence, violence against women. Feminicide.“
- “Violence against women: law and responsibilities“
Full text of the accademic inaugural speech «Un passo davanti» Vulnerabilità, violenza di genere, responsabilità e conquiste.
Gabriele Fattori, FBK Magazine guest blogger since April 2020, teaches Ecclesiastical and Canon Law at the University of Foggia and collaborates with the Center for Religious Sciences (ISR) of Bruno Kessler Foundation. At the University of Foggia, he is also Coordinator of the Master of Science in Security Legal Sciences and Rectoral Delegate to the University Library System.