Trentino Pedala: the cycling contest for the well-being of citizens, the environment and citizens’ wallets
The bicycles of "Cicloconcorso Trentino pedala" are ready to start again on March 15, 2017. Also FBK joins the initiative, promoted by the Office of Infrastructure and Environment - Sustainable Development and Protected Areas Service and involving the Euregio area (Trentino, South Tyrol and Tyrol).
Either for commuting to work or for having fun during your free time, the important thing is to ride your bike! This is the main goal of the “Cicloncorso Trentino Pedala”, which with an attractive and not competitive format urges people to leave their cars at home and use their bikes to move around. If the health effects for the individual are obvious, the effects on the environment that surrounds us and in which we live are striking: the 2016 edition has estimated that, with 1,473,616 total kilometers ridden by all participants, savings amounted to 267,373 kg in carbon dioxide and € 433,243 in fuel. So, in addition to well-being and fitness, also the environment and the wallet benefit from this initiative.
Those of you who wish to experience this possible alternative lifestyle can do so by signing up, from 03/15/2017 to 09/15/2017, at, either as a single participant or joining your Town, association or employer’s group.
Fondazione Bruno Kessler has again joined the initiative this year, along with 57 other local entities, and created a profile through which its employees can participate, to reach together fun virtual targets and participate in the drawing of the final prizes. But above all, to be mindful, together and in a fun way, of our lifestyles, of enviornmentally sustainable alternatives available to us, and of the great contribution that each of us can make to safeguard their own and the world’s well-being, starting from the simple actions we undertake day in and day out.
Please see the official website for Cicloconcorso ( for full information on participation options and mileage registration.
Fondazione Bruno Kessler wishes all participants a pleasant ride!