March 5, 2024Generative AI and disinformation: advances, challenges and opportunitiesFour European projects join forces against disinformation with advanced AI models. New white paper from European digital media observatory available online
July 5, 2023Paolo Traverso’s interview with Nello CristianiniA novel and original video dialogue on Artificial Intelligence and its disruptive applications
June 29, 2023Understanding AI – An interview with Tomaso Poggio, Professor at MIT BostonTomaso Poggio is the Head of the Center for Brains, Minds and Machines and is an international pioneer in the field of Artificial Intelligence. On occasion of the workshop "DEEP LEARNING: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications" which took place in Povo - where he had worked at the time of Prof. Luigi Stringa - we asked him some questions to better understand AI and what we have to expect in the near future.
May 27, 2023“ChatGPT, when machines replace humans in processing thoughts”A Palazzo Geremia la tavola rotonda organizzata nell’ambito del Festival dell’Economia di Trento