February 19, 2021“MUM UP”, pregnancy care just a click awayThe innovative system that provides remote support to expectant mothers created within the TrentinoSalute4.0 digital health project is kicking off at Fatebenefratelli Isola-Tiberina
November 23, 2020Big data and diseases of the nervous system: APSS and FBK in the NEUROARTP3 projectSharing clinical data in a structured way so as to improve the ability to predict, prevent and treat conditions such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, ALS, multiple sclerosis and brain tumors, reducing their impact on the national health system.
May 7, 2019Pregnancy and diabetes, safety in an appDeveloped by Fondazione Bruno Kessler and TrentinoSalute4.0, the App, designed for the constant monitoring of diabetic mothers, has been tested in Trentino for some years
December 7, 2018“Risk Management in Healthcare Forum”: the vanished border"A journey with new eyes. Healthcare professionals and citizens meet through the enabling technologies and a functional organization." This is the title of the meeting organized by TrentinoSalute4.0 on November 30, 2018, as part of the event that was held in Florence
November 27, 2018Citizens and health: is a “border” keeping them apart?TrentinoSalute4.0 is meeting health workers and citizens in Florence at the 13th Risk Management in Health Forum
October 24, 2018CREEP WINS THE “BEST WORKSHOP PRESENTATION” AWARD AT THE MEETING OF THE ITALIAN SOCIETY OF CRIMINOLOGYThe prize for the best presentation was awarded to the project on the prevention of the effects of cyberbullying, promoted and funded by EIT Digital and coordinated by FBK / TrentinoSalute4.0
June 29, 2018Impronte nella ScuolaRagazzi e anziani insieme in una sfida a colpi di passi e indovinelli
June 5, 2018Trentino Salute+, the app that encourages healthy lifestylesTrentino Salute+, the new application that promotes health and healthy lifestyles through a system of social and personal incentives
April 9, 2018The app that makes access to the citizen’s medical records easier is hereIts name is TreC_FSE and it is a new App (both for iOS and Android), developed by the APSS/FBK joint laboratory of TrentinoSalute4.0 in agreement with the Health Department and the General Director Support and ICT Service