Azra Alikadić
Specializes in the study of climate structure and suitability for agriculture, and how climate variability and change influence plant growth, food production and quality.
Holds a B.Sc. and M.Sc. from Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Horticultural Sciences, and a Ph.D. from the University of Bologna in Agricultural Economy and Policy with a concentration in climate change mitigation and adaptation for the agricultural sector. Research interests include, agriculture; phenology, food supply chain, rural development, sustainability, climate change; quantitative methods in spatial and temporal analysis, policy; adaptation and mitigation of climate change.
Now the research focuses on adaptation strategies of climate change in the sector by studying the phenological response to climate change, regional studies, big data handling. Models climate impact and phenological changes resulting from global warming for regional studies. Processing and analyzing the data, environmental change and the causes of change are then identified by using of geographical information systems (GIS), statistical programming (R), and database management (SQL).
Articoli Spotlight
28 Ottobre 2019L’intelligenza artificiale per contrastare gli effetti dei cambiamenti climaticiI ricercatori della Fondazione Bruno Kessler a Trentino Clima 2019 hanno raccontato come la tecnologia può essere usata per salvaguardare l’ambiente
14 Marzo 2019La vite del 2099, impatti del cambiamento climatico sulla viticoltura trentinaUno studio FBK, FEM, C3A prevede che tra 80 anni si vendemmierà con un anticipo fino alle 4 settimane. Per realizzare la ricerca sono state utilizzate in modo intensivo risorse di calcolo e modelli numerici, sviluppati da esperti informatici della Fondazione Kessler, tra cui i ricercatori Azra Alikadic e Cesare Furlanello, responsabile della Area di Data Science di FBK