Mauro Cettolo
Mauro Cettolo is a Senior Research Scientist assigned to PerVoice SpA for a two-years period (April 2018 – March 2020). He joined FBK – Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy – as a researcher in 1992. Since 2004, his main research interest has been statistical and neural machine translation. Previous research activities regarded the efficient organization of the search space for large vocabulary, continuous speech recognition; the automatic segmentation, classification and clustering of audio broadcast news; and the automatic transcription of spontaneous lecture speech. He co-authored more than 100 scientific publications, including a patent, and has served as a reviewer for international journals, conferences and workshops; since 2015 he has been member of the standing review committee of the Transactions of the ACL. He co-organized the MT tasks in IWSLT evaluation campaigns 2011 to 2017 and DiscoMT shared tasks2015 to 2017; he was the local organization chair of EAMT 2012 and of IWSLT 2007, co-organized LaDaKT 2012, co-chaired the scientific program of AISV 2006 and chaired the shared tasks of OpenLab 2006. He taught computer science modules as a consulting professor at Universities of Verona and Trento from 1997 to 2004 and led FBK research teams involved in both EU funded projects (EuroMatrixPlus, Presto) and industrial contracts (Aineva, ProtoRai).
Articoli Spotlight
17 Aprile 2018Dalla ricerca all’impresa: la storia di Mauro CettoloDopo 26 anni in Fondazione il ricercatore HLT-MT ha iniziato un periodo di distacco in azienda. "Una decisione non presa a cuor leggero, ma mi è sembrata una buona occasione per sperimentare anche altro"