Paolo Tonella
Paolo Tonella is Head of Software Engineering at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy and is Honorary Professor at University College London, UK. Paolo Tonella wrote over 150 peer reviewed conference papers and over 50 journal papers. His H-index (according to Google Scholar) is 49. He is/was in the editorial board of the ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, of the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, of Empirical Software Engineering, Springer, and of the Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, Wiley. Paolo Tonella teaches Security Testing at the University of Trento, MSc degree in Computer Science.
Paolo Tonella has given foundational contributions to Software Engineering, in the area of code analysis and testing. His ICSE Most Influential Paper (MIP) award winning paper, Analysis and Testing of Web Applications, initiated a new stream of research devoted to the development of testing techniques for web applications. His comprehensive book Reverse Engineering of Object-Oriented Code laid the foundations for the reverse engineering of object-oriented systems. His ISSTA 2004 paper Evolutionary Testing of Classes is recognized as a milestone for the automated generation of object oriented test cases. One of the most widely used Java test case generators, EvoSuite, can be traced back to this seminal ISSTA paper and to the associated tool, eToc. In June 2014, Paolo Tonella has given a distinguished lecture on Model Based Testing at the University of Luxembourg.
Articoli Spotlight
13 Aprile 2018Paolo Tonella premiato per il paper più influente degli ultimi 10 anni a ICST 2018A dieci anni dalla pubblicazione il Most Influential Paper Award conferito dall'ICST 2018.