Francesco Gaglianese
Born in 1983, he is a graduate in Economic and Social Disciplines from the University of Calabria, a social designer and community manager. In his daily work, he facilitates discussion among local communities’ memebrs by providing support with the development of shared strategies and projects. He has been a PA consultant on Performance and Social Innovation. He first engaged in Social Innovation at Aniti Impresa Sociale, networking with various actors based in the South and connecting with companies operating in the same field throughout Italy. He co-designed, for Aniti, the School of Reuse in collaboration with Cittadinanza Attiva Onlus and YorbanMob Association. He is a Co-founder of Coop Kiwi, one of the winners of the fourth edition of Culturability with the FaRo Fabbrica dei Saperi a Rosarno project. He is currently conducting the Prismatics – Stories of Social Innovation project, a video story of the local experiences that prompt social changes and community empowerment. He works as a social design consultant with Cooperativa Coriss and with Associazione Gutenberg Calabria. Guest blogger for FBK Magazine since February 2020. Linkedin profile.