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A Day to Remember Paolo Prodi

October 11, 2017

FBK is hosting an event dedicated to the memory of the intellectual who founded ISIG. Among the guests are Romano Prodi and Massimo Cacciari

On Wednesday, December 13, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, at its location on via Santa Croce 77 in Trento, will be hosting an event that will remember the figure of historian Paolo Prodi, who died last year, founder and director (from 1973 to 1997) of the Italian-German Historical Institute.

The event will see as a particularly significant moment the proclamation of the winner of the first edition of the Paolo Prodi Prize, an acknowledgment for the best PhD thesis on topics related to the history of the Churches in the modern and/or contemporary ages, the relations between States and Churches in the first modern age and the history of the Reformation and its repercussions in the modern and/or contemporary ages.

It will be opened by introductory greetings by FBK President Francesco Profumo, the President of the Province of Trento, Ugo Rossi, the Chancellor of the University of Trento, Paolo Collini, and Christoph Cornelißen, the Director of the Italian-German Historical Institute. The will be followed by the talks by of Romano Prodi, brother of Paolo, and Massimo Cacciari, who will remember the figure of the intellectual.
After the awarding of the prize, scheduled for the late morning, the program will resume in the afternoon with some personal memories, entrusted to Paolo Pombeni, Pierangelo Schiera, Cecilia Nubola and Roberto Bizzocchi, and a report on scientific results with Birgit Emich and Massimo Carlo Giannini.

Applications for the Paolo Prodi Prize can be submitted by no later than October 31. Eligible candidates are young scholars under the age of 35 who have defended their doctoral thesis from November 1, 2013 to October 31, 2017 at a European University (the thesis can be written in Italian, French, English, Spanish or German). The winner will receive a gross prize of €3200, and the possibility to publish his/her work in the FBK-ISIG series. Candidates must submit their application form, a PDF copy of their PhD thesis and their cv with a list of publications to

Below is the full program of the event:

Remembering Paolo Prodi
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Wednesday, December 13, 2017


10.00 am – 10.30 am Introductory greeting
Francesco Profumo, FBK President
Ugo Rossi, PAT President
Paolo Collini, Chancellor of the University of Trento
Christoph Cornelißen, Director of FBK-ISIG

10:30 am – 12:00 pm The Person and the Intellectual Chairmen: Francesco Profumo and Paolo Collini
Romano Prodi, The Reflections of a Brother
Massimo Cacciari, Prophecy and utopia in the thought of Paolo Prodi

12.00 pm – 1.00 pm 2017 “Paolo Prodi Prize” prize-giving ceremony

1:30 pm – 2.30 pm Light Lunch

2.30 pm – 3.30 pm Personal memories Chairman: Christoph Cornelißen
Paolo Pombeni
Pierangelo Scaffa
Cecilia Nubola
Roberto Bizzocchi

3.30 pm – 4.00 pm Break

4.00 pm – 5.00 pm Report on scientific results Chairman: Marco Bellabarba
Birgit Emich
Massimo Carlo Giannini

Here the link to book your seat