For a Human-Centered AI

What fuels for the mobility of the future?

April 14, 2017

On the occasion of the Trento edition of “Greenweek – Festival della Green Economy” in March, we collected the voices of three experts who testify how increrasingly urgent it is to invest in alternative fuels.

Luigi Crema, FBK researcher and Scientific Coordinator of scenario Mobilità Idrogeno Italia, Alberto Dossi, president of Mobilità Idrogeno Italia and Gruppo SAPIO, and Marco Barale, Customer Director of Trenitalia Alstom Transport are some of the experts of the conference dedicated to alternative fuels for the mobility of the future, hydrogen in particular.

One of the organizers of this conference was FBK’s ARES (Applied Research on Energy Systems) research unit, within the Center for materials and Microsystems of Fondazione Bruno Kessler in Trento, that deals with energy systems. “With this meeting” –  Crema said – “we intend to discuss what has been done in Italy, what the existing gap is today compared to Italian regulations and send the message that hydrogen is today,  is now”.

Listen to the interviews (in the box to the right)

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