Dr. Marina Sozzi
Dr.Marina Sozzi graduated in Philosophy in Turin, then she continued her studies at EHESS (Paris) and at Scuola Normale di Pisa (PhD). For many years she was the director of Fabretti Foundation, dedicated to the study of death and dying in contemporary society.
In 2012 she left the Foundation and started her blog “Si può dire morte” (www.sipuodiremorte.it). She has worked as a consultant in various non-profit organizations.
For several years she taught Historical Thanatology at the University of Turin.
She works now as the coordinator of the Centre for the Promotion of Palliative Care at Piemonte and Valle d’Aosta Oncological Network.
Her books:
Reinventare la morte. Introduzione alla Tanatologia (Laterza 2009)
Sia fatta la mia volontà. Ripensare la morte per cambiare la vita (Chiarelettere 2014)
Non sono il mio tumore. Curarsi il cancro in Italia (Chiarelettere 2019)
Spotlight's articles
March 16, 2021TRANSFORMING NUMBERS IN LIFE STORIES: THE NEED FOR MOURNING THE DEATHS OCCURRED DURING THE PANDEMICA reflection to restore dignity to the lonely deaths of the pandemic