Marco Ajellli
Marco Ajelli was born on Nov. 28, 1982 in Trento, Italy. He received both B.S. and M.Sc. degrees in Mathematics, and the Ph.D. in Information and Communication Technology from the University of Trento. He currently holds a Tenured Senior Research Scientist position at the Bruno Kessler Foundation, DPCS unit. Since 2008, Dr. Ajelli has authored 50+ peer-reviewed research contributions including top-notch journals, has worked in prestigious US Universities, and collaborated with national and international public health institutions such as the Italian Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization to control Ebola and influenza epidemics. In his research Dr. Ajelli leverages computational modeling and data analytics to provide a quantitative framework for understanding epidemiological, social, demographic, and economic that shape the spread of infectious diseases in order to prevent and control their spread.
Spotlight's articles
June 18, 2019School closures as a possible solution to the spread of the fluResearch conducted on 450 individuals in Tomsk (Russia) revealed how interrupting school activities affect limiting influenza cases