Massimo Rospocher

FBK-ISIG Director
- 2016-Current Position: Adjunct Professor of Digital Humanities (University of Trento)
- 2016: Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale: professore di II Fascia, Settore disciplinare 11/A2 (MSTO/02 Early Modern History)
- 2011-2015: Research Fellow (University of Leeds)
- 2015: H.P. Kraus Fellowship in Early Book & Manuscripts at Beinecke – Yale University Library (Yale University)
- 2014: International Visiting Researcher with a fellowship awarded by the Australian Research Council (ARC) at the “Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions” (University of Melbourne – University of Sydney)
- 2011: International Visiting scholar at Birkbeck College (University of London) with a fellowship awarded by the British Academy
- 2009: Residential Fellowship at McGill University (Montreal) as part of the SSHRC research project “Making Publics”
- 2008-2011: Recipient of competitive funding from the Autonomous Province of Trento for a three-year Post-Doc research project based at the Italian-German Historical Institute, Trent
- 2007-2009: Adjunct Professor of Historical Methodology (University of Trento)
- 2008: PhD in History and Civilization (European University Institute, Florence)
- 2004: Master of Research in Cultural History (European University Institute, Florence)
Coordinator of Research Projects
2018-2020: Coordinator of the research project “La città dell’accoglienza. Cultura urbana e spazio pubblico a Trento al tempo del Concilio” funded by Fondazione CARITRO
2016-2018: Core member of the project “European Dimensions of Popular Print” (EDPOP) supported by The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
2008-2011: Recipient of funding from the Autonomous Province of Trento for a three-year Post-Doc research project: “Communicating war in Early Modern Europe”
Scientific collaborations
Member of the editorial board of the “Annali dell’Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento”
Member of the Scientific Committee of the “Mueso Per Via. Museo Tesino delle Stampe e dell’Ambulantato”
Member of the Advisory Board of the “Museo Storico del Trentino”
Spotlight's articles
December 14, 2023The 50th anniversary of FBK’s Italian-German Historical InstituteThe latest issue of the "Annali" is dedicated to the anniversary, while the traditional Study Week will focus on some of the main historiographical turning points that have emerged in recent decades
February 14, 2023History changesMassimo Rospocher is the new director of the Italian-German Historical Institute FBK. We asked him about his plans for the coming years, how history is changing and how his own history has changed.
October 19, 2021Hidden Trento – the city of the Council within reach of an APPThe city of the Council in an app developed by the Italian-German Historical Institute at Fondazione Bruno Kessler as part of the PURE European research project