#open innovation
June 12, 2024OPEN Trento x3What is meant by open artificial intelligence? Openness in AI not only has to do with the availability of software, but also with key issues such as transparency, reusability and sustainability of systems, while respecting essential ethical constraints imposed by standards.
May 14, 2019AI Open Innovation Lab: students bring artificial intelligence to pharmaciesThe 2019 edition of the laboratory organized by Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Istituto Artigianelli and the University of Trento has wrapped up. Prizes were awarded to students who have created an artificial intelligence solution for the pharmaceutical industry
March 25, 2019Five tips for generation ZDavide Dattoli was the invited speaker of the seventh Bruno Kessler Lecture, on March 19, 2019 in Trento: in front of hundreds of students, he recounted his success story with Talent Garden
October 8, 201810 million euros for the “Innovare in Rete” programmeStartup and Innovation: Banca Etica selects the best projects that will be supported with high-quality loans and consultancy
May 14, 2018Running an Open Innovation Platform for IoT-Big Data in Sub-Saharan AfricaEmpowering Digital Transformation of Africa by WAZIUP and WAZIHUB initiative - a project coordinated by Open IoT research unit of CREATE-NET center at FBK