For a Human-Centered AI

FBK’s Center for Materials and Microsystems as Innovation Partner for SMES

July 21, 2017

The Center for Materials and Microsystems (CMM) of Fondazione Bruno Kessler has been accredited as KETs Technology Center for SMEs. Nationwide, there are only eight accredited centers besides FBK's CMM.

The Center for Materials and Microsystems (CMM) of Fondazione Bruno Kessler has been accredited as KETs Technology Center for SMEs.

KET’s Technology Centers are public or private institutions that provide companies with support on how to implement their projects from technological innovation to the market.
They are selected on the basis of their skills and proven ability to operate with small-medium companies, in particular in the so-called Key Enabling Technologies (KET): nanotechnology, micro-nanoelectronics, photonics, advanced materials, industrial biotechnologies, advanced manufacturing technologies.

“CMM’s accreditation as support agent favoring SMEs access to key technologies for the future” explains Center for Materials and Microsystems director Gianluigi Casse,,” acknowledeges the role of our Center as a business innovation partner. In the competitive world of corporations, technological adaptation is a must. Access to innovation is more difficult for small businesses, which are faced with initial investments that are too expensive, both from the point of view of equipment and of specialized personnel. For these companies, access to KETs is possible only through research and innovation centers that provide the sophisticated structures and competencies required for the development of such technologies, which are vital to the future of companies but so difficult to be developed on their own within SMEs. CMM has long been involved in this role, which is a central component of its mission, and the acknowledgment awarded by the Committee confirms its relevance in Europe. ”

The result will also provide an opportunity to create new contacts and collaborations for the future.
Nationwide, there are only eight accredited centers besides Fondazione Bruno Kessler’s CMM Center.


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