Laura di Fabio

Laura Di Fabio is a librarian at Fondazione Bruno Kessler. She holds a bachelor’s degree in contemporary history from La Sapienza University of Rome, a Ph.D. in history and philosophical-social sciences from Tor Vergata University in cotutorship with the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster, and a diploma from the Vatican School in Library Science. She has collaborated on French and German research projects, spent periods of study and work at the University of Trier and Leipzig. She was a research fellow at the University of Siena and has had collaborative contracts with the Italian-Germanic Historical Institute of Trent-FBK and the Germanic Historical Institute of Rome (DHI). She is the author of a monograph entitled Due democrazie, una sorveglianza comune. Italia e Repubblica Federale Tedesca nella lotta al terrorismo interno e internazionale (1967-1986), (Florence, Le Monnier-Mondadori Education, 2018, Ettore Gallo-ISTREVI Prize, XII, 2019) and several scholarly articles on contemporary Italian and German history. Since 2022, she has been the FBK library contact person for the Österreich Bibliothek im Ausland program sponsored by the Außenministerium Österreich-BMEIA and coordinates the digitization project of audios of lectures and seminars of the Foundation’s humanities centers (Provincial Universal Civic Service).
Author's articles
November 20, 2023The bibliographic collections of Claudio Cesa and Enzo Collotti, a mirror of a European Weltanschauung2023 was an important year for acquisitions at Fondazione Bruno Kessler's Library, which is increasingly being characterized as a specialized library with a significant presence of personal fonds.
April 3, 2023The Fondazione Bruno Kessler library audio heritage digitization projectAn innovative and inclusive project to preserve FBK's audio heritage
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