Luigi Crema has been re-elected president of Hydrogen Europe Research
This is Europe's leading hydrogen research organization.
Luigi Crema, director of the Center for Sustainable Energy at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, has been reappointed as president of Hydrogen Europe Research (HER), Europe’s leading hydrogen research organization. The appointment of the president and new board took place in Budapest today Thursday, June 13, at HER’s General Assembly.
Hydrogen Europe Research, composed of more than 150 international universities and research centers, is a member of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership-along with the European Commission and Hydrogen Europe for the industrial sector: the main objective is to contribute to the Green Deal and the European hydrogen strategy by supporting research and innovation activities.
Luigi Crema, who has held the role of HER president since January 2023, commented on the appointment that officially took place this morning with thede words: “I’ll continue with great enthusiasm and motivation my activity as President of Hydrogen Europe Research, a role that allows to affect policies supporting European hydrogen research. This is also a significant achievement for the national context, as well as for FBK’s visibility at the European and global level.
This role enables participation on the Governing Boards of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership, now halfway through its program, as the sole research delegate, along with Hydrogen Europe’s three representatives from the European Commission and five from industry. New working groups are gathering important information to identify priorities for the future partnership for the 10th Framework Program, one of HER’s upcoming relevant goals. In our proposal, research and innovation will have a well-defined role in a European strategy that will take into account three different areas, which it is important to consider in a united vision: improving competitiveness, supporting industrialization, and a framework for market building.”
Also on the new board is Viviana Cigolotti – Head of Division of Technologies and Vectors for Decarbonization at ENEA – who with CNR and Fondazione Bruno Kessler has a collaboration agreement for hydrogen research – and who, at HER, will play the role of technical committee leader of TC4 – hydrogen end uses for stationary and industrial applications.