For a Human-Centered AI

The FBK library reopens the doors of its reading rooms

July 10, 2020

From 13th July it will be possible again to access the reading rooms of FBK library

After starting the convenient new external user loan service, which allowed the possibility of taking books home, the FBK library is now reopening the doors of its reading rooms. As of July 13, it will be possible to use the internal spaces of the library located in Via S. Croce 77 again to read or study books from Monday to Friday (8.30 am – 12.30 pm; 1.30 pm – 5.30 pm), with a maximum occupancy of 25 people at a time.

Reading stations and rooms have been made safe in terms of physical distancing and sanitation. Users are required to observe the following simple rules:


– sanitize your hands with the sanitizing gel that you will find in the rooms

– fill in the self-certification form

– Wear a mask at all times

– place the “Posto da sanificare” note when you leave the workstation


We remind you that external loan can be requested by presenting the request form at the front desk or by sending your request to [email protected], and picking up the volumes from the concierge.

Enjoy your reading and your summer!




Biblioteca Fondazione Bruno Kessler

Via S.Croce, 77 – Trento

email: [email protected]

Phone no.: 0461/314288

The author/s