For a Human-Centered AI

Paolo Pombeni

Born in Bolzano September, 10, 1948
Married to Claudia Bobbio – one daughter, Stefania
November 1971: degree in Law at the University of Bologna
1972-1977 Various fellowships at the University of Bologna, Faculty of Political Sciences  in Modern and Contemporary History and at the “Istituto per Scienze Religiose” (Prof. G. Alberigo) in Church History
1977-1980 Lecturer (without tenure) in “History of Political Parties” at the Faculty of Political Sciences, Univ. of Bologna
1980 Winner of a chair through a national competition – assigned at the University of Sassari, Faculty of Pedagogy – Chair : Modern and Contemporary History (19th, 20th cent.)
November 1984 Called to the University of Bologna, Faculty of Political Science, where I am still on duty. Various Chairs: History of Political Parties, Modern and Contemporary History, Comparative History of European Political Systems, History of nternational Order in the 20th Century (these last two still held).
Responsible (Dean) for the following Syllabuses (“Corsi di Studi”) at the University of Bologna: “Politics and political history” (Indirizzo Storico Politico) 1984-85; 1990-91; 1999-2011; “European Political Systems”  2001-2004; “International Relations” 2003-2006.
Director of the Department “Politics, Institutions, History” (Politica, Istituzioni, Storia) for the years 1985-1988; 1991-1997.
1987-1988: President of the Board of Department Directors at the University of Bologna
1990: (January and February) Visiting professor at EHESS – Paris
1991: Co-founder of the “Società Italiana per lo Studio della Storia Contemporanea” (SISSCO) – Its president 1992-1994; still a member.
1993: “Elie Halévy Chair for one semester at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques –Paris
1999: (January)  Held a Seminar at the Institut für Europaische Forschung” Un. of Bonn.
1994-2003: Bologna University representative for the “Europaeum” project promoted by Oxford University together with those of Leiden, Bonn, Paris-Sorbonne, the Institut d’Hautes Etudes Internationales,Geneva and the University of Prague
1995: (April) Seminar at the Doctorate on “Nation and State in 19th Century Europe ” at the University of Girona (Spain)
1998-2005: Member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Il Mulino”
1999 until today: Columnist on the newspaper “Il Messagero” (Rome)
2000-2005: Member of the advisory board (Consiglio di Indirizzo) of the Fondazione Carisbo Bologna
2001: till present: Member of the “Associazione di Politica e Cultura Il Mulino”
2001: President of the special committee for the reform of the Statute of the University of Bologna
2001-2002: Member of the Scientific Board of the “European School of Advanced Studies” University of Naples.
2004 till present: Member and secretary of the Jury for the Prize “Alcide De Gasperi-Costruttori dell’Europa” – Trento (Winner: 2004: H.Kohl; 2006: C.A. Ciampi; 2008: S. Weil; 2010: V. Havel; 2012: F. Gonzales)
2004-2008: Director of the critical Edition of the “Writings and Speeches of Alcide De Gasperi: Il Mulino, 4 voll., 10.000 pages.
2005: till present: Director of the “Centro studi per il progetto europeo” (Bologna) and of its website:
2010-2013: Director of the “Institute of Advanced Studies” University of Bologna
2010 (October) till present: Director of the Italian-German Historical Institute at the “Bruno Kessler Foundation” Trento
2010-2011: Member of the Commission for the new Statute of the University of Bologna (approved July 2011).
2012 (June): Seminar at the “Istituto Superiore di Studi Umanistici” (Naples) on “The history of the Welfare State”
2012  (November): Elected Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Publish House “Il Mulino” (Bologna)
2012 (November): Aked to act as referee for a project by HERA- Humanities in the European Research Area

NB: I have no PhD for the simple reason that the PhD was introduced in the Italian University System in 1982, when I was already full professor (chair) at the University of Sassari.

Selected publications:
Der junge De Gasperi. Werdegang eines Politikers, Berlin, Duncker und Humblot, 2012
The problem of Political Parties in Western Liberalism 1868-1968, in,B. Jackson, M. Stears (eds.), Liberalisn as ideology. Essays in Honour of Michael Freeden, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012, pp. 119- 136
La transizione come problema storiografico. Una ricerca sulle fasi di sviluppo critico della “modernità”, in, “Annali dell’Istituto Storico Italo- Germanico in Trento”, 36-37 (2010-2011), pp. 87- 131
Das Problem des Populismus im Rahmen der Europäischen Geschichte, in “Totalitarismus und Demokratie. Zeitschrift für internationale Diktatur und Freiheitsforschung” 8(2011), pp. 221-236
E’ possibile una storia dei sistemi politici? Un azzardo interdisciplinare, in, Cercare la democrazia. Un itinerario tra politica e storia, a cura di Eugenio Capozzi e Maurizio Griffo, Napoli, Guida, 2010, pp. 27-52
La ragione e la passione. Le forme della politica nell’Europa contemporanea, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2010, pp. 715
Charismatic Leadership between Ideal Type and Ideology, “Journal of Political Ideologies”, 13 (2008), pp. 37-54
Antiliberalism and the liberal legacy in postwar European constitutionalism: considerations on some case studies, in “European Journal of Political Theory” 7 (2008), pp. 31-44
Ideology and Government, in, The meaning of Ideology. Cross-disciplinary perspectives, ed. Michael Freeden, London, Routledge, 2007, pp. 59-74
La storia come peso e come liberazione. Considerazioni sui contesti del rapporto fra Italia, Sudtirolo e Trentino, in “Annali dell’istituto Storico Italo Germanico in Trento”, XXXII (2006 – ma 2007), pp. 201-236

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