Andrea Garnero
I am a labour economist at the Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs of the OECD, currently on secondment to the Joint Research Center of the European Commission in Ispra (Italy). I am also a research fellow at Université libre de Bruxelles (Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management) and at IZA, Bonn.
I work in particular on minimum wages and collective bargaining in OECD countries. In 2021, I chaired the expert group on in-work poverty at the Italian Ministry of Labour. Between 2017 and 2021, I was part of the French minimum wage expert group (“Groupe d’experts sur le SMIC“). I am also part of the scientific committee of the Labor Chair at Paris School of Economics. At the JRC I am currently working on a pilot project on loneliness in the European Union.
I got my PhD in labour economics at Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris School of Economics and Université libre de Bruxelles in January 2015. Previously I worked as assistant for economic affairs and G20 assistant Sherpa to the Italian Prime Minister and as an economist at the European Commission (DG Employment).
Relazione del gruppo di lavoro sugli interventi e le misure di contrasto alla povertà lavorativa in Italia, Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali, 2022
“Turning a “Blind Eye”? Compliance with Minimum Wage Standards and Employment“, Economica, forthcoming.
Articoli Spotlight
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