For a Human-Centered AI


  • April 18, 2023
    EDUCA 2023: new alphabets. Let’s build together the lexicon of the future
    Unmissable again in the 2023 edition the FBK proposals in the three-day Rovereto education festival.
  • May 11, 2022
    One school, many schools
    The school model we have experienced is not the only one possible. A journey into the school universe with the historians Enrico Valseriati and Vanessa Roghi.
  • May 9, 2022
    Open School and Educating Community
    Together with the ecological one, we need an educational transition, centered on education for opportunities. Schools that teache to learn, more than single disciplines, connected with all those entities in the local area that care about the future of humankind.
  • May 9, 2022
    Climate anxiety among youths – in the event organized by FBK and APPA at EDUCA
    Research shows that more than half of teens are extremely concerned about ongoing climate change, while four in 10 teens consider not having children for this very reason. The ongoing climate crisis is causing, among other things, unease among young people all over the world and is felt more strongly in those countries whose governments are inactive in terms of environmental protection. This was discussed at EDUCA.
  • April 10, 2019
    FBK at the 2019 education festival
    The program of the tenth edition of Educa was presented today. Fondazione Bruno Kessler will be present with a science cafè, an information corner, two workshops and three round-table discussions.
  • April 14, 2018
    Leadership for innovation in schools
    The book dedicated to change in schools through the training of teachers and principals and to digital programs was presented at the EDUCA Festival
  • April 6, 2018
    EDUCA: The program of the 9th edition
    The guests of the Educa festival "Educational Algorithms. Responsibility and critical thinking in the time of technologies ", to be held April 13-15 in Rovereto was presented. Three days to try to understand the effects of technologies on educational relationships in the family, at school and in the community and to find the right way to navigate the sea of digital complexity
  • February 5, 2018
    The EDUCA Festival is launching a contest for schools. There is time until March 16
    After the success of the two previous editions, the "L'EDUCAZIONE MI STA A CUORE" (I care about education) contest is back, promoted by the organizing committee of the EDUCA festival and dedicated to school students of all levels across the nation. The initiative, organized thanks to the support of the Casse Rurali Trentine bank and the Rovereto and Vallagarina Tourism Agency, was started with the aim of giving a voice to children and young people on education. The winners will be announced and awarded on Friday, April 13, the first day of EDUCA entirely dedicated to schools
  • April 8, 2017
    Cyber School: how to tackle the digital revolution together
    How will the new digital school be? How revolutionary and disruptive will this historic transition be for the school system? Are professors, teachers, and families and students alike - digital natives, reality or myth that we tell ourselves? - prepared to deal with the new challenges of a revolution that not only affects the tools, but requires a new cultural, pedagogical, social perspective?
  • April 6, 2017
    EDUCA towards a new Digital School
    Which school will come from digital technology? The shared reflection of Educa starts from #scuoladigitaletrentina and expands to the entire national system.
  • January 3, 2017
    Professionals of tomorrow. Which roles will be required in the future?
    Who will be the professionals of tomorrow? Which roles will be required by a labor market that is constantly changing and an increasingly global scenario, competitive and interconnected? How shall the school be in terms of education, space, tools and curricula to really train the professionals of tomorrow?