For a Human-Centered AI


  • March 8, 2023
    Countering summer learning loss is possible
    An innovative and novel study in Italy to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention to counteract learning loss during the long summer school break.
  • March 26, 2021
    Dyslexia: the power of reading aloud
    Reading aloud, assisted by a technology that "captures" the reader's attention on the written word, allows children with dyslexia to increase their comprehension of a text. This is what emerges from a study, the result of the collaboration between the Bruno Kessler Foundation and the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences of the University of Trento, which involved 40 boys and girls aged between 8 and 10 years, half diagnosed with dyslexia and the other half with typical reading skills. With “Gary,” an average 24% improvement in reading comprehension scores is possible