Giovanni Bove
Ph.D, he has lectured at universities, colleges and private institutions. He held the first teaching in Italy of “Semiotics of e-learning” (2006, Sapienza University of Rome), dealing with the relationship between technology, medium and languages from a semiotic and linguistic perspective focused on visual languages and sign processes. He carries out research and project management activities in collaboration with social actors interested in innovative cultural processes. He published the monograph “Scrivere futurista” focusing on the unique relationship between writing and typographic medium generated by the Italian futurist avant-garde; in this direction, he has continued to explore the relationship between expression, medium and content, publishing several scientific articles on the relationship between writing and image, visual communication and the languages of contemporary Art avant-garde. In addition to his scientific activity, he has also worked as a copywriter; in 2016 he co-founded an Italian start-up focused on Video search engine optimization. Guest blogger from October 2019. LinkedIn Profile.
Author's articles
October 3, 2019Technologies in education: how to go to the topA report by Nesta Italia and Compagnia di San Paolo discloses engaging experiences on the link between education and technology. The publication is full of case studies useful for designing new learning processes
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