2017 Highlight Events
Looks like 2017 will be an eventful year for Fondazione Bruno Kessler. Alongside the initiatives dedicated to the discussion on FBK's research topics, the attention to dissemination to a broad audience, as well as to collaborations with prestigious national and European organizations, remains high.
“Key To Health: for a new corporate welfare” is a pilot program starting on January, 20 at FBK’s Povo premises aimed at company welfare with the e-Health Unit as scientific coordinator, and in collaboration with the Provincial Agency for Healthcare Services of the Autonomous Province of Trento and the National Institute on Work-related Accident Insurance (INAIL).
The prestigious setting of Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti in Venice was chosen for the IRVAPP WINTER SCHOOL 2017 – Principles and methods for the evaluation of public policies. The course, February 13 through 18, is designed for graduate students and researchers in the Social Sciences, Economics and Statistics interested in exploring the use of micro data for the evaluation of public policies.
Improving people’s quality of life is one of the goals scientific research and, looking to this goal, research creates value. High-level research in various fields and disciplines is conducted in Trentino, thanks to a soil that has been made fertile by important investments, relationships and organizations. Fondazione Bruno Kessler, the Autonomous Province of Trento, the University of Trento, Fondazione Edmund Mach and MUSE – Museum of Science offer local area citizens a cycle of science cafés . Wednesday, February 15 at the MUSE café, it will be the turn of Davide Azzolini, a researcher with the Institute for Evaluative Research of Public Policies, who will talk about “Young people and digital reading. Are they all equally good at it?”.
On February 20, the Povo Trento FBK ‘s premises will be hosting the PhD Day: launch of the FBK doctoral program. The program is conducted in collaboration with prestigious national and international affiliated universities. More than 90 doctoral students are assigned to FBK research units and are actively involved in international research projects and mobility programs.
Now in its twelfth edition, TREDI – the Trento Workshop on Advanced Silicon Radiation Detectors, aims to bring together experts from sensor technology, front-end electronics, system issues, detector applications, etc. to discuss the current state of the art and future plans. The workshop will be held in Trento, from Monday, February 20 to Wednesday, February 22 at Fondazione Bruno Kessler’s venue on Via Santa Croce 77.
A new open innovation model is taking shape in the Trentino Region: the national event to present the FBK-business ecosystem will be held in March .
Also in spring , FBK will be having an ‘Open Day, a unique opportunity to learn about the structures and research of its Scientific and Technological Hub.
In collaboration with the Limes magazine, the Center for Religious Studies (ISR) promotes a conference on law and religion, entitled “Geopolitics of Transnational Law and Religion“. The vent will be hosted at FBK’s Trento location on April 5 and 6 , 2017.
Building EDUCA, and organizing it, means for all those who subscribe to it, publicly taking an ongoing commitment so that the growing social demand for a “good education” does not respond with contingent solutions and extemporaneous actions. At the Festival of Education, scheduled in Rovereto April 7 through 9, FBK is an official partner with many initiatives dedicated to schools.
The DOMOSENS project – Team play for a winning product has as its goal the development of a gas sensor for monitoring and detecting hazardous gases in homes. A project of six schools in the Trentino area with researchers from the Center for Materials and Microsystems for a real “alternating school and work program” experience. The whole project will end in May , when the results and the work produced will be presented.
In collaboration with the research project entitled “Tiefe Meinungsverschiedenheiten/Deep disagreements“, coordinated by Berlin and Freiburg, ISR will organize the international conference “Arguing Religion: Disagreement, Recognition, and the Reach of Argumentative Debate”. The meeting is part of the research activities involved in the project, started in 2016, entitled “Arguing religion” and will be held in Trento, at FBK’s venue on Via S. Croce 77, June 6 to 8 , 2017.
The Center for Religious Studies (FBK-ISR) is also organizing an international conference in collaboration with the Insbruck-based European Research Council (ERC). “Tradition and traditionalisms” is the title of the conference, that will be held on June 12 and 13.
WebValley is the FBK summer school for the dissemination of interdisciplinary research: nearly 300 students have attended the WebValley camps since its first edition in 2001. Organized in the beautiful mountains of Trentino, the project will be also for the summer of 2017 an opportunity for national and international students to experience scientific research.
SEFM2017 aims to bring together leading researchers and professionals from academia, industry and government to advance the state of the art in Formal Methods, to facilitate their absorption into the software industry and encourage their integration into the ***practical software on engineering methods and tools***. The fifteenth edition of the ‘International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods will be held in Trento September 6 through 10.
The 5th International Symposium on Model-Based Safety and Assessment (IMBSA 2017) Will be held in Povo September 11 to 13. IMBSA is the key event in the field of MBSA that brings together the latest developments in the field of model-based engineering, formal techniques, probabilistic analyzes, and cutting edge optimization to address the difficult problems in the design of complex security systems, including software-intensive and open cyber-physical systems.
SAFECOMP (September 13 to 15) Is an annual event that covers the state of the art, experiences and new trends in the fields of safety, security and reliability of critical IT applications.
The End-of-Internship Marathon is the closing event of the FBK Junior program. The month of September will bring the presentation of the end-of-internship works produced by high school students at the FBK laboratories and research units.
The European Researchers’ Night invites you to meet the heroes of science: researchers who, thanks to their fascinating work, can change our lives in tangible ways. All events will be held on September 30, through the streets of Trento and in more than 250 cities in Europe and neighboring countries.
ISR, in cooperation with the “Reset” magazine, promotes, for October 10 and 11, “Religion between exclusivism and pluralism“, an event, in Trento, to talk about religion and pluralism.
Featuring speakers of the highest scientific standing, the fifth edition of Bruno Kessler Lecture will take place this autumn . The lecture is intended to revive the original insight that led the Foundation to establish itself as a unique institution in the panorama of Italian research, thanks to the interdisciplinary nature and the wide range of skills that characterize it.
On December 20 , the Traditional year-end meeting of the President and Secretary General of Fondazione Bruno Kessler with the press and partners of the Foundation will take place.
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