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Inside the software used in scientific applications: SciPy

February 17, 2020

A scientific paper listing our researcher Emanuele Olivetti and describing the "SciPy" Free/Open Source software, which reached version 1.0 after more than a decade worth of upgrades, has been published in Nature Methods

The paper, entitled “SciPy 1.0: fundamental algorithms for scientific computing in Python“, describes the Free/Open Source software “SciPy“, which has reached its 1.0 version after a decade’s worth of upgrades.

SciPy is the backbone of a large number of software systems used in scientific applications, both in research and in manufacturing.

For example, it was part of the software system used to create the recent image of the M87 black hole, as well as of the LIGO-Virgo project for the observation of gravitational waves.

L’articolo, intitolato “SciPy 1.0: fundamental algorithms for scientific computing in Python” descrive il software Libero / Open Source “SciPy“, giunto alla versione 1.0 dopo oltre un decennio di sviluppo.

Consider this number: in 2017 alone the SciPy software was downloaded over 20 million times.

In 2018, FBK hosted the European EuroSciPy conference.

Emanuele Olivetti contributed to the development of what was deemed as a relevant part of SciPy and was thus included among the contributors in the prestigious publication in Nature Methods.

Dr. Olivetti is part of the “SciPy 1.0 Contributors” group, as indicated in the paper.

SciPy is a central working tool for the NeuroInformatics Laboratory (NILab) which operates within the FBK ICT research center, where Olivetti is a researcher. The development of SciPy is one of the objectives of the laboratory, whose main topic is Machine Learning applied to neuroimaging, both in the medical and fundamental neuroscience fields.

The author/s