The sustainability of living
"Making full use of the existing housing has been the goal of several innovative pathways on the topic of housing that I have been involved in over the years."
So said Luciano Malfer — PAT executive since 1995 and Research and Family Development Manager at Fondazione Bruno Kessler since 2024 — at the round table on the sustainability of housing held this afternoon at the Vittoria cinema as part of the Trento Festival of Economics.
“In Trentino,” Malfer explained, “we have conducted several experiments to systematize unused housing capital, with co-housing projects for young people, co-living for families and global service for the elderly. In all cases the real value has been the network put in place between different institutions to make these initiatives possible and concrete. At FBK, I am involved in projects for the welfare of families and individuals. This is also part of the big issue of demographic transition. We are increasingly convinced that areas that implement family-oriented and people-oriented policies have greater potential for development because in this way they increase their attractiveness and competitiveness.”
Today’s meeting was introduced by Manfredi Catella, CEO of Coima, who exchanged views with Paola Dezza (Il Sole 24 Ore). Luciano Malfer participated in the round table with Giovanna Melandri, President of the Human Foundation, Antonio Uricchio, President of the National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research System, and Ersilia Vaudo Scarpetta, Chief Diversity Officer of the European Space Agency (ESA).