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Pope Francis and his reform: a meeting at Trento-based FBK

September 9, 2016

This coming Thursday, September 15, 2016, at 5.00 pm, at Fondazione Bruno Kessler in via S. Croce 77 in Trento, three witnesses, Riccardo Cristiano, Rocco D'Ambrosio and Severino Dianich will discuss Pope Francis's debated pontificate that arouses expectations and concerns for the reform of the Church.

With actions and words, Francis encourages Christians to ask themselves what to change in their presence, theology and organization. Faithful to the vocation of Trento as a turning point of Christian reform, and to its mission as workshop on religious innovation, FBK’s Center for Religious Studies has organized a discussion with three key figures of these extraordinary times in Church’s history.

Riccardo Cristiano was engaged in the ”Gorbachev era” as a correspondent, especially in Moscow and Berlin, and then followed Middle East issues for a long time: he later on became Vatican specialist for Radio Rai News. Thus, he has had the chance to follow the final phase of the pontificate of John Paul II, that of Benedict XVI and these years of Francis’s. Attentive in particular tointerreligious dialogue, he recently released “Middle East without Christians?” and “Bergoglio, global challenge”, both for Castelvecchi publisher.

Rocco D’Ambrosio ( Is a priest of the diocese of Bari, full professor of Political Philosophy in the School of Social Sciences of the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. He is a professor of Ethics of Public Administration at the National Administration School of Rome. He published “Il potere e chi lo detiene” (Power and its owners” (2008) and “Come pensano e agiscono le istituzioni” (How institutions think and act, 2011), both with Dehoniane Publishers, “La storia siamo noi” (We are history). “Tracce di educazione politica” (Political education outline) (Citadel, 2011), and La Meridiana” Corruptia. Il malaffare in un Comune italiano” (2014), “Non come Pilato. “Cattolici e politica nell’era di Francesco” (Catholics and politics in the era of Francis (2015) and “Ce la farà Francesco?” (Will Francis make it?) “Le sfide della riforma ecclesiale” (The challenges of ecclesial reform) (2016). He directs the journal of culture and politics titled “Cercasi un fine”(Purpose wanted) ( and coordinates a number of training schools in the area of social and political activism.


Severino Dianich is a priest of the Diocese of Pisa, where he was parish priest and vicar for the teachings on culture and university. At the same time he taught at the Gregorian University, then at the Theological Faculty of Palermo and later on, as professor of Ecclesiology, at the School ofTheology of Florence. On the issues of the reform of the Church, he published, in 2010, “Per una teologia del papato” (For a theology of the papacy) with San Paolo Publishers, in 2014, “La Chiesa cattolica verso la sua riforma” (The Catholic Church for its reform) with Queriniana Publishers, in 2015, “Diritto e teologia” (Law and theology). “Ecclesiologia e canonistica per una riforma della Chiesa” (Ecclesiology and canon law for a reform of the Church) with Dehoniane Publishers. “Magistero in movimento” will be released in October by Dehoniane Publishers. “Il caso Papa Francesco” (The Pope Francis case).


La riforma di Francesco (The Francis reform)


Riccardo Cristiano – Vatican correspondent for Radio Rai news, author of “Bergoglio sfida globale” (Castelvecchi)

Rocco D’Ambrosio – philosopher with the Pontifical Gregorian University, author of “ce la farà Francesco?” (La Meridiana Publishers)

Severino Dianich – theologian at the Theology School of Florence, author of “La chiesa cattolica verso la sua riforma” (Queriniana)