Stories of Europe
A discussion from different perspectives starting from the critical reading of the books "L'Europa che fu" by Pietro Rossi, "European Modernity" by Bo Stråth and Peter Wagner, and finally, "Projekt Europa" by Kiran Klaus Patel entrusted to Edward Tortarolo, Christoph Cornelißen and Gabriele D'Ottavio
On the occasion of the recent European elections, the “Annali.Recensioni.Online” (A.R.O.) of the Italian-German Historical Institute decided to open their Forum with a discussion from different perspectives dedicated to “Stories of Europe“, which will develop from the critical reading of the books above. Starting from the historical narrative of the main turns of the European events, we offer a reflection on its overall parable and its prospects for the near future. To the examination of the myths on modern Europe, these authors add a careful investigation of the recent history of the European integration that allows the reader to deepen the main points of the debate around the “Project Europe”.
As with every issue, A.R.O. opens with a Forum, in which key topics are debated or a work, which the Editorial Staff deems particularly relevant to the issues addressed by the Historical Institute, is discussed by a number of reviewers. A.R.O. is a young journal with four issues already out, published every four months. It is connected to the Italian-German Historical Institute of Fondazione Bruno Kessler, where its Editorial Staff is also based. The magazine is published in electronic format and each issue contains around twenty reviews of volumes dedicated to European history, with a chronological span ranging from the late Middle Ages/early Modern Age to more recent history. A.R.O. is inspired by the most recent electronic specialist journals that have established themselves in the field of international scientific publishing. The online format allows to reach quickly and extensively both the specialist public and a wider audience of readers interested in new trends or research discussions. The journal is open-access and allows users free unrestricted worldwide consultation of its platform, as is the case for previously started web publications of this kind. The reviews accepted in “Annali.Recensioni.Online” are published in one of the following languages: Italian, German, English and French.
The journal aims to contribute in particular to the discussion in the context of transnational dialog, and more specifically to dialog across the Alps, where important gaps continue to exist. Although a series of new review journals have established themselves for many years in many scientific cultures, as well as in the field of historiography, some deficits still remain. The two directors, Christoph Cornelißen and Edoardo Tortarolo, explain it accurately in the journal’s editorial: “In this context, we have conceived A.R.O. as a new review journal focused primarily on promoting scientific dialog between Italy and German language cultures, but that in addition to that, it aim to offer a solid basis for the transnational debate of specialists in historical studies and of those who have an interest in history. This is why A.R.O. aims to be a new and reliable platform for the years to come”.
All the reviews published in A.R.O. are examined by the Editorial Board or by an external reader, identified within the group of international referees that actively collaborate with the Editorial Staff. Finally, all contributions go through a multi-stage referral process.
A.R.O. is a four-monthly journal, which is published as follows:
- January 31
- May 31
- September 30
Issues published: 05.31.2018; 09.30.2018; 01.31,2019; 05.31.2019.
Reviews published: 84
Forums on published issues:
- Distant neighbors (05.31.2018);
- Recent studies on Machiavelli (09.30.2019);
- History of Italian historiography (01.31.2019);
- Storie d’Europa (05.31.2019).
Editor-in-chief: Christoph Cornelißen
Arts editor: Edoardo Tortarolo
Editorial board:
- Marco Bellabarba
- Gabriele Clemens
- Laurence Cole
- Birgit Emich
- Filippo Focardi
- Lutz Klinkhammer
- Marco Meriggi
- Thomas Schlemmer
- Chiara Zanoni
Editorial Team:
- Fernanda Alfieri
- Giovanni Bernardini
- Maurizio Cau
- Gabriele D’Ottavio
- Claudio Ferlan
- Cecilia Nubola
- Katia Occhi (coordinamento)
- Massimo Rospocher
Editing: Lorenzo Cortesi
ISSN: 2612-2863
Copyright: © 2018 FBK Press, Trento
- Manuela Bragagnolo (Max Planck Institute for European Legal History)
- Andrea Di Michele (Università di Bolzano/Bozen)
- Nicole Kramer (Universität Frankfurt)
- Teresa Malice (Università di Bologna)
- Paola Molino (Università di Padova)
- Sabina Pavone (Università di Macerata)
- Massimo Scandola (Università di Tours)
- Filippo Triola (Università di Bologna/Berlino)
- Jens Späth (Università di Saarbrücken)
- Massimiliano Livi (Universität Trier)
- Thorsten Riotte (Universität Frankfurt)
- Grazia Prontera (Universität Salzburg)