Strike! 2018 – The New Call Is Online
The new edition of the Strike 2018! contest it is promoted by the Autonomous Province of Trento with the Demarchi Foundation and the cooperation of the Trentino Social Tank and Mercurio cooperatives
The Strike! call is back, the contest that rewards young people who have set a goal and have reached it, that had a dream and have realized it or that have found, along the way, a new inspiration for themselves and for others.
Strike 2018 is seeking for people under 35 born, resident or domiciled in the provinces of Trento, Bolzano, Verona, Vicenza, Belluno, Sondrio and Brescia.
How to participate
Participating is simple. Just visit strikestorie.com fill in the registration form and tell your story in a short video. The deadline is July 30.
Why should you participate?
- out of desire to share your experience
- to be an inspiration for other young people
- because your story could be told in a book
- because you can win 1000 or 500 euros to organize a public event
- for he training pathway
- for the special prize offered by Favini
- because Strike is energy!
All the stories will be evaluated by an exceptional jury, composed by innovator Alessandro Garofalo, by the speaker of Radio Deejay Vic, by director Swan Bergman who edited the concerts of Vasco Rossi, by 2017’s striker Anna Fiscale, by the communication manager of Grappa Bertagnolli, Martina Bosetti, and Diana Žiliūtė, former champion of cycling. The 10 most beautiful stories will be presented in the final evening next November.
Strike is an initiative of the Agency for the Family, Births and Youth Policies of the Autonomous Province of Trento in collaboration with the Demarchi Foundation and the support of the Trentino Social Tank and Mercurio Cooperative.