The call to apply for participation in the UX CHALLENGE 2023 is open
The design sprint that has universities, research and businesses work together on user experience is back. The initiative by Hub Innovazione Trentino is carried out in collaboration with FBK, University of Trento, Istituto Pavoniano Artigianelli per le Arti Grafiche, Trentino Sviluppo and Confindustria Trento, in the context of the Digital Innovation Hub Trentino Alto-Adige/Südtirol.
The call to participate in the UX Challenge 2023, a 5-day design sprint organized by the HIT Foundation – Hub Innovazione Trentino has been published. The initiative will see teams of students – supported by user-centered design professionals – working on optimizing the user experience of digital products and services proposed by a shortlist of companies selected on a competitive basis.
The main goal of the challenge is to foster knowledge transfer in technology and initiate research-enterprise collaborations in an open innovation context:
● enabling companies to learn about the benefits of using User Experience (UX) improvement methodologies and techniques in the design of high-tech products and services;
● enabling university students to master these methodologies by applying them to industrial problems and challenges, applying their expertise in the field (Challenge-Based Learning).
The UX Challenge 2023 will be held Monday, February 27 through Friday, March 3, 2023. The 5-day Challenge will close with a final event on March 6, 2023. At this event, open to the public, all innovation challenges and the solutions identified will be presented. A selected jury will evaluate the work done and assign scores. The team with the highest score will be awarded a one-year professional membership to the Interaction Design Foundation online design school.
Students and companies can apply by November 25, 2022.
Company applications.
With the help of talented university students, supported by digital design professionals, selected companies will have the opportunity to improve the usability of their product and conduct tests with real users to validate the user experience, be they existing products to be innovated or prototypes and concepts of new products and services to be optimized. Depending on product maturity, student teams will focus on problem-solution fit evaluation, usability evaluation, or interface design/redesign.
To be eligible to participate in the 2023 edition, companies have to propose the optimization of products and services in which digital interaction is relevant such as: mobile applications, interactive webpages and websites, digital control interfaces of home automation systems, control interfaces of industrial machinery, and the like; their digital products or services have to be on the market already or in the prototype stage; they should be based in Italy.
Is your company projected towards innovation, characterized by a high digital integration and oriented to offer the best possible user experience? Read the selection call and apply by November 25, 2022!
Student applications.
The Challenge is a unique opportunity for students, not only to learn about cutting-edge service design methodologies and apply them to real-world problems, but also to meet relevant companies in the industry and create opportunities for their professional future.
During the Challenge, students, divided into teams, test and improve the quality of human-machine interaction of apps and software (some already on the market, others under development), identify usability and value proposition problems, develop solution ideas with design thinking techniques, design new mockups and prototypes of digital interfaces, and finally also perform tests with selected users.
Students and former students (up to 18 months after receiving their most recent degree) from the University of Trento and the TAG (Trento Alta Formazione Grafica) program of the Istituto Artigianelli per le Arti Grafiche can participate in the UX Challenge.
To participate, you must apply by November 25, 2022, by filling out the application form after carefully reviewing the Selection Note found on this page.
For more information email or visit this page.