#Fondazione Edmund Mach
March 21, 2019INVOLVING AND EMPOWERING YOUNG PEOPLE IN THE PREVENTION OF THE ASIAN TIGER MOSQUITO: WE PRESENT THE EDMUND MACH FOUNDATION’S “SIGNORA ZANZ” PROJECTThe “Signora Zanz in Trentino” lab, which puts in place actions to prevent and fight the spread of the Asian tiger mosquito for kindergarten and elementary school children of the Autonomous Province of Trento, is starting in late March. The initiative stems from the "E-STaR" project of the Edmund Mach Foundation's Research and Innovation Center, with the support of the Provincial Government call for proposals called "Science STAR communicators"
February 15, 2019A Research Unit to fight mosquitoes and invasive species has been createdFondazione Bruno Kessler and Fondazione Edmund Mach against the spread of alien species
June 22, 2018Alien mosquitoes, control strategies under the LEXEM lensThe study on alien mosquitoes financed by the Autonomous Province of Trento as part of the LEXEM project
September 6, 2017Hub Innovazione Trentino nuovo partner della Comunità di Conoscenza e Innovazione di EIT Digital per il cambiamento climaticoIn arrivo nuove risorse dall’Europa per aziende trentine, startup, centri di ricerca ed enti di formazione, con le quali finanziare progetti nell’ambito della Green Economy