February 15, 2024One hundred years of Bruno KesslerIt's been one hundred years since Bruno Kessler was born. From an outlying valley he managed to reach the center of Trentino, never forgetting his roots. He was president of the province at the height of Trentino's modernization, to which he largely contributed.
October 11, 2023EducationAlso Kessler went to school, but what do we know about his education? Receiving education for him was not easy for sure and perhaps this is the reason why he later on put a lot of his attention on culture and education
July 26, 2023Holiday timeKessler's correspondence consists not only of long letters about politics, but also of greeting cards, telegrams and postcards
July 6, 2023Fifty years agoIn the 1973 provincial budget, we find the first small steps of the Italian-German Historical Institute, the oldest research institute in what is now Fondazione Bruno Kessler
April 6, 2023Trentino bombingsThere is little trace in Kessler's papers of the early part of his life, which remains in the background of an important political career: however, some of the experience of the bombings in World War II remains.
February 23, 2023February 17, 1924 – February 17, 2023 (for he time being)99 years after Kessler's birth, we are preparing to celebrate his centenary by trying to rediscover his figure. Reflecting on anniversaries and especially on the individuals who inspire them.
December 29, 2022A journey through Bruno Kessler’s papersWith a new research project, we also begin a journey through the papers of Bruno Kessler, in the company of historian Camilla Tenaglia, from FBK-ISIG (Italian-German Historical Institute)