Claudia Dolci

Ricerca e Innovazione per la Scuola (FBK)
Author's articles
October 11, 2023Observing the atmosphere from high altitude: the mystery of Terrestrial gamma raysFBK and the Società Alpinisti Tridentini (SAT), the Trentino mountaineers association, join to implement the PIZ-Gamma project, advancing a further exercise of the DomoSens model dedicated to high schools that will take them on a school-to-work experience in close contact with research.
June 7, 202220 WEBVALLEY 2022 participants selectedThe FBK summer camp dedicated to data science is back
August 26, 2021WEBVALLEY 2021: presentation of resultsThe closing event of the summer school organized by Fondazione Bruno Kessler for high school students to be held virtually August 27,from 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm. The event will be streamed live also on Fondazione Bruno Kessler's Youtube and Facebook channels
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- #fbk junior
- #raggi gamma
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- #domosens
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